namastenutritionist's podcast

Detoxification is occurring all the the time.

It is a biological process in which your body converts waste products into exceretable material, which you then eliminate from your urine, skin, breath and poop.

You're doing it right now!

We do it naturally all day long. Because we're a bit overloaded with environmental pollutants, genetic variations & toxins, carcinogens and more right now, it's a great idea to give your body a little extra detox boost.

There are a number of things you can do to help your body release toxins with nutritious food and lifestyle.

What Mary Purdy and I cover in this show:

  • What it really means to detox (in scientific terms!).
  • Why it's a good idea to detox
    • Nutrigenetics: variations on genes involved in enzyme production in liver. Genes are deleted often, which can compromise ability to detox. Two phases for detox in liver, gene variants can disrupt chemical pathway.
    • Pollutants: plastics & other endocrine disruptors, estrogen-mimicking compounds, heavy metals, herbicides, pesticides, antibiotics from our food supply, and even medications can be harmful!
  • HOW detoxification works

Mary will bust some of the most pervasive myths about detoxification and cleansing.

For example, did you know that a using starvation or an intense master cleanse is a really terrible way to try to cleanse? 

A Master cleanse very detrimental, especially for someone who hasn’t had good nutrition already built up.

You see, detoxication requires a LOT of nutrients. You can't starve your way through a detox and expect optimal results!

[ctt title="Detoxication requires a LOT of nutrition. You must eat to properly cleanse. (Can you tweet this please?) " tweet="#Detoxication requires #nutrition. You must eat to properly #cleanse. @MaryPurdyHere @FrancesLArnold" coverup="kO9p0"]

Food supports detoxification pathways

Here are some of the many nutrients needs to detox: Magnesium, B-vitamins, vitamin C, folic acid, magnesium, zinc, glutathione, N-acetylcysteine, lipoic acid, selenium, among others.

In addition, you'll need plenty of protein for the amino acids, especially the branch chain amino acids.

You'll want to eat these things too:

  • healthy fats in their whole form: avocado, nuts, seeds, olives, coconut
  • Herbs and spices: turmeric, smoked paprika, garam marsala, curry, cilantro, parsley, basil, harissa, garlic, ginger,
  • Fiber: binds toxins to poop it out
  • Drink plenty of fluid for kidneys

And be sure to take in herbs and supplements that support detox.

herbal formulations: dandelion, artichoke, milk thistle, green tea, sulfurophane (broccoli sprouts), formulations with amino acids, NAC (makes glutathione), GST enzymes made by NAC, probiotics (help with digestion & stool formation) 5-25 billion blends.

And of course, there are some foods that are helpful to eliminate, especially during a full elimination-detoxification diet:

processed foods, foods that create adverse reactions (gluten, dairy, alcohol, soy, eggs, processed sugars and artificial everything.)

Today's Brilliant Guest:

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MARY PURDY MS, RDN: holds a Master’s Degree in Nutrition from Bastyr University. She was in private practice for 8 years and now works as a coach with the Scientific Wellness Company, Arivale using personalized genetic data and cutting edge science to guide clients in improving their health. She remains adjunct professor at Bastyr University and clinical supervisor at their teaching clinic. Mary has provided online detox programs and given over a hundred wellness presentations for local businesses. She is Past President of the Greater Seattle Dietetic Association and currently Communications Chair for Dietitians in Integrative and Functional Medicine. She has been interviewed on Seattle’s Public Radio & quoted in national publications like Prevention, Health, and Today’s Dietitian. Mary’s participation in this podcast is reflective of her own professional beliefs, and are not reflective of Arivale.

Twitter: @MaryPurdyHere

Mary's You Tube Show

Direct download: Food_to_detox.mp3
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